Thursday, July 31, 2008

What is Cultural Interpretation?

Cultural interpretation is often what an anthropologist does when he studies a culture and then turns around and presents it to members of a different cultural group, often times packaging the information is a way that is appropriate for the receiving group. For example, in western society, the message is packaged in a published article or book format, as that is a common vehicle through which many academics digest topics on culture. If the message was about the best shoe to wear, then a cultural interpreter would facilite the message being packaged in the most culturally appropriate medium for the target cultural group.

A professional cultural interpreter often does on-the-spot interpretations and translations - but as she is translating, she is also looking at the context of the message, facilitating effective and positive communications, and mediating cultural competence between the two parties so as to help assure that no cultural boundaries are accidentally crossed or offense taken.

Cultural interpreters have been employed in the government and multi-lateral agencies for decades, but there is a growing trend to hire cultural interpreters by the corporate, education, and nonprofits sectors working with culturally diverse stakeholders and constituents.

Instituto Conexiones
offers cultural interpretation services.

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